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Red Head Global strives to support children in underprivileged communities and those fighting diseases such as Motor Neuron Disease and heart diseases.

Some recent examples of our contributions:

August 2022

Red Head Global Provides the Meadowlands Football Club with essential football kit as well as an end of year party and awards.


Meadowlands Professional FC

Founded in 2003, Meadowlands Professionals is a football club based in Soweto, Meadowlands, Zone 8, Johannesburg, South Africa. Schools in the surrounding area do not provide extra curricular activities, so for kids to participate in organized team sports they need to join a club. This has the double benefit of keeping these youngsters off the streets and out of trouble. The much loved team coach Godfrey , affectionately known as `Godfather`, teaches kids of all ages, three times a week and arranges mini tournaments and matches at weekends. Most of the children don`t get to experience training with the correct sports kit which fits them and is clean on match days. We are trying to address this as best we can. If they look the part and feel the part, this confidence can go a long way in making the kids feel proud and strong, boosting their ability and efforts to realize their dreams.









November 2023


Red Head Global participates in the Monaco No Finish Line in aid of raising funds for Mothers of Africa.


Mothers of Africa

Established in 2017 by Dr Judith Hall OBE to improve women’s health and reduce poverty by promoting educational access. In the years I have been supporting Mothers of Africa, they have built a brand new Nursery School for 60 children in Shiyala, Chongwe district, Zambia. They provide training programmes for doctors and nurses in many African countries incl. Benin, Tanzania, Togo, Liberia and Namibia. The Monaco chapter is particularly focusing on an Orphanage in Namibia at the moment












December 2023


Red Head Global is an official sponsor of the All Roads Lead To Rome challenge to raise funds for the vital research required find a cure for Motor Neuron Disease.

My Name is Doddie

My Name 5 Doddie, founded by the unforgettable Scotland and British Lions rugby player Doddie Weir OBE, tirelessly campaigns to win the battle against this ravaging disease.






This challenge will see teams cycling 3,000km from Scotland to Rome in 9 days, visiting all of the 6 Nations Stadia: Murrayfield, Dublin, Cardiff, Twickenham and Paris before the final whistle in the Scotland V Italy game in Rome on 9 March.



There are fabulous opportunities for anyone to get involved, even in a virtual cycle, to raise money for this truly worthy cause.

Please visit the site for more information:






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